Thursday, August 26, 2010

Deciding Not To Obtain A Higher Education

          You have made the conscious decision not to obtain a higher formal education. At the same time you have made the unconscious decision to live in poverty, earn a low income, work harder & longer hours, or become an Entrepreneur. Keep in mind I am not saying this will not happen if you have an advanced level of higher education. What I am saying is that you have raised the risk factor if you do not  have the higher education.

         There is a lot of competition  out there, and let's face it 99% of the times if you and another person apply for a job in which both of you are qualified and capable of doing, the following will more than likely occur:
  • The person with the higher formal education will get the position.
  • The person with the higher education will be paid a higher salary.
  • The person  with the higher education will get the position and be paid a higher salary; if both of you are offered the position.
        Although this may seem unfair, the fact is an employer would prefer the person with the higher education because the person has made a personal investment in him or her self. Also because the person with the higher education will be more qualified to perform other duties outside the initial scope of the job position. The competition is tough and without that higher education it is even tougher to compete. You may completely disagree with me, and that is alright. However, I challenge you to prove me wrong. Remember a good challenge is presented with FACTS  not  OPINIONS.

        The path of entrepreneurship is also an option. In fact, the likely hood of you owning or starting your own  successful business is Very Good. The reason is because you will be doing something that you strongly desire, enjoy, and has a niche.  Also your success rate is increased because unlike the person with the higher education you would spend less time figuring the pros and cons. Instead you would put more time and energy into doing what you know best - thus increasing the profits with your know - how; as opposed to projected analysis.

        The choice is yours. I would suggest, as you make a conscious decision not to obtain a higher formal education; make a conscious decision to establish your living, working, and earning potential. There is no right or wrong. However there is contentment or frustration. REMEMBER, Marlene says: Make It Happen.



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